Any real estate development has multiple impacts for the community, the future residents and the surrounding area. Taking these impacts into account allows us to design real estate projects that contribute to the quality of life of the parties involved over the life of the building.
At the same time, our living conditions are changing rapidly at different levels (environment, society, technologies…) and the design of our buildings must respond to these new developments.

As a founding member of the Swiss Association for Sustainable Neighborhoods and a member of the eco-bau association, Capvest deploys its sustainability expertise in its development projects and as a consultant.
Connected to a vast network of experts in all aspects of sustainable real estate development, we have developed a sustainability assessment matrix that allows us to set the ambitions for each project and measure their follow-up in each phase of development (design, pre-project, project, construction and operation).

Our expertise is based on :
Sustainable development in real estate has been at the heart of Capvest’s thinking for several years and is today a strong axis of its expertise with an approach to sustainable development in real estate which is based on four pillars called “Impact”.
Impact Biodiversity with a systematic expertise to promote biodiversity and respect for the environment, on all our projects in built and non-built areas while taking into account efficient measures against global warming and its environmental impacts.
Impact Energies with a minimum THPE standard on all our projects, associated with an analysis of self-production and ecological measures favoring renewable energies while minimizing the energy needs of the buildings, for an optimal energy performance.
Impacts of Construction Choices which touch on different areas such as grey energy, choice of materials, indoor air quality, water management and waste management.
Quality of Life Impacts, which is just as much about consultation, facilitating quality living together and Smart Living approaches, for example.

You are sensitive to our future, to a quality habitat that respects the environment and is healthy for its inhabitants, and you are convinced that sustainability must be at the heart of real estate development projects to contribute to environmental protection?
We would be happy to discuss your real estate project and its environmental approach with you.